SMCPS secondary ela approved and recommended reading
Assigned Reading (whole class and/or literature circles/book clubs)
Each ELA unit in grades 6-12 is anchored by at least one extended text, which students will be assigned to read for in-depth analysis in the classroom. Teachers will select these texts from the SMCPS Approved Tradebook List.
Texts on the approved list have been vetted by a committee, which is organized and facilitated by the Supervisor of Secondary ELA. The committee reviews instructional forms submitted by teachers and makes a decision to include a text for direct instruction based on three general criteria: alignment with the state curriculum (MCCRS), authenticity and currency/literary merit, and age/grade appropriateness (per SMCPS Regulation IJ). The committee will meet at least once a year to review and approve new texts. Use the links below to review which titles are being recommended for approval and which new texts have been approved by the committee. At the end of each school year, the SMCPS Approved Tradebook List (linked above) will be updated to reflect all of the new titles added over the course of the year.
New texts approved in 2016-2017 SY
New texts approved in 2017-2018 SY
New texts approved in 2018-2019 SY
New Texts approved in 2019-2020 SY
New Texts approved in 2020-2021 SY
New Texts approved in 2022-2023 SY
New Texts approved in 2023-2024 SY
New Texts approved in 2024-2025 SY
Community members can provide feedback on titles being considered for approval by submitting this Community Feedback Form. If you are a community member interested in being a member of the review committee, please contact Michelle Gallant-Wall (
This is the regulation regarding the process for reconsideration of materials already approved for instruction in our curriculum.
Self-Selected Independent Reading
Ultimately, what motivates students to spend a lot of time reading are the same things that motivate people everywhere to engage in certain behaviors: They see a real-world value in the behavior, it provides pleasure, it is a means to a worthy end, or all three. To be successful readers, students must develop a desire to spend their own time outside of school reading an hour or two a day. Teachers may require students to read independent self-selected titles in addition to books that are assigned for direct instruction. In some cases, teachers will provide recommended titles that align to instructional standards or unit themes. Parents can check the approved reading list (see link at the top of this page) to see if any of the recommended titles are there. We strongly encourage parents to review self-selected reading choices with their children to ensure that students are reading books that align with their maturity level.
For questions about assigned or independent reading, contact Michelle Gallant-Wall (